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Mayors Forum 2023
Mayors Forum 2023

The 12th World Cities Summit Mayors Forum, hosted by the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize 2018 Laureate city of Seoul, marked a significant gathering of around 50 mayors and city leaders. From 24 to 26 September 2023, city leaders engaged in lively discussions centred around the theme Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Forging an Inclusive and Resilient Future. The Forum also saw the participation of industry seniors, international and supporting organisations, and Young Leaders from Singapore and Seoul
Key takeaways from the Forum included the integral role of social inclusion and empowerment, especially for underprivileged and vulnerable groups, in developing liveable and sustainable cities.
Maintaining a strong identity, rooted in culture and heritage, was recognised as vital for social resilience amidst rapid urbanisation. The Forum also highlighted the role of cities in driving sustainable and climate-resilient solutions through innovation and creativity. This entails commitment to net-zero goals and planning disaster-resilient infrastructure, while encouraging a conducive environment for ground-up innovation and participation.